Components are reusable design elements that help ensure consistency across your website. They are used to create and manage elements, like sections, buttons, toggles, cards, and more, to ensure uniformity across your whole website in terms of design.
Components are valuable when you want to maintain consistency in your design across your website. You can use them to create elements like buttons, cards, and other recurring design components that you'd like to use consistently. They can also help to speedup your workflow as components can be created once and then used several times throughout your website, which makes them very handy on big website projects.
It’s worth noting that components also have instances, which are copies of the main component - also called Primary. Instances are linked to the component and update when changes are made to the primary component. You can also customise instances using variables and override certain properties.
You can find out more about how to create a components and customise them on the Framer website or watch the video below.
Components are for designers and developers looking to streamline or speed up the design process and maintain consistency in their projects. They are ideal for those who want to create and manage reusable design elements like buttons, cards, and more.
Several Framer creators have created heir own component libraries, also referred to as Design System or UI Kit, that you can purchase to help you get started with your own project. Check out our Resources page with the latest component libraries to find out more.